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Allowing The End of the Year to Be the Fresh Start of the Next

Now that we have settled into January, I have questions. Does anyone create goals or resolutions anymore? Has the world become too mature, and too woke to see the beauty in new beginnings?

After asking a couple of people their goals, okay 5, I was met with how goals and resolutions are restrictive. The expectation of starting over in the beginning of the calendar year to help you organize your remaining 11 months is not for people anymore.

Well, I can tell you this post isn't for those folks. It's for people who'd like to get as much as they can from their life experience.

It is for those ready to exit Exodus......

Exodus is the story of one of the coolest men to be chose by God, Moses. It is the beginning of a journey of trusting God to move a group of people forward.

Starting is the MOST important part of any process, even for Moses. The more you put into anything you choose to start, the more you will get out of it. Life goals are a great PLACE to start, and NOW is a great time to start them.

How Can You Do This?

We box ourselves in with what we know. Yes, resolutions can be great. Maybe you want to eat better or join a gym. These are great ways to get more out of your life but, what if I gave you other options to make 2023 the most enjoyable year yet?

Adding Small Changes like mantras, self-affirmations, journaling or maybe a life coach can get you to see yourself differently.

Join a social or activity club that will take you out of your comfort zone. Maybe you like your comfort zone but want to add more people to your circle of life.

Evaluate What You Are Missing in your life experience. Pre-made goals may not always fit where you are in life. Maybe you need to take the next year to heal. Things like, the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship, even lifestyle changes can bruise your life experience.

The important thing is not to create barriers with time limits and restraints of how long you should take to heal. Instead, take responsibility for the reality of how much time "you" may need for your lifestyle healing.

Be Still, Remove and Replace. For the people believing in a spiritual healing and who want to get closer to God, this is a marvelous time to reset and FAST. Fasting can last as long as 40 days or as short as 3 days, however, it's your commitment to excluding something to replace with God.

My suggestion would be to prepare yourself to complete a rewarding fast. Take your time, and do your homework, seek guidance and pray about what you are fasting for. It's a great way to connect or reconnect with God, which may be what the doctor ordered for your next 12 months.


(Do your research and talk with someone who is the spiritual leader

at your church or in your community for greater details).

Daniel Fasting

Liquid Fasting

Social Media Fasting


Get Excited. The end of any life experience (i.e., retirement, graduation, etc.) can create a period of emotional dis-attachment. As humans this can leave us feeling unsure, sad, and maybe in need of guidance. However, this same emotion can also kick-start excitement of a new beginning, and anticipating a first, a fresh start, and a do-over. 11 months seems to come so fast when it's time to review what you have or have not accomplished. It also holds our esteem with feeling proud or disappointed with what's been done with the time given.

Just like the people of God being moved and lead by the great Moses, you must have a plan. The plan will allow you to organize how you want your life to move. The plan can also allow you to focus on you daily, while working to see the larger plan at the end.

Being conscious of how you intend to use your life for the next 12 months can benefit or restrain you, so make a plan. Think about it, no great skyscraper is built on a whim. It is first a thought, then a drawing, then given to a group of construction become a beautiful building.

Happy 2023 and may your exit of Exodus be great, and all your days be completed goals!

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